Basic Principals

In order to achieve a better result from EFT, the following principals should be read and understood.

1- Energy disruptions

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." Gary Craig

bodyenergyAll negative emotions, like phobia, depression, traumatic memory, guilt, etc., are generated by a disrupted energy field in a person's body.

These negative emotions - or more accurately "energy disruptions" - are triggered by external stimuli, such as seeing, hearing, etc. These external stimulis can also be rooted in memory or be derived from our imagination known as internal stimulis (such as WORRY).

EFT does not cover up these negative emotions! EFT energetically diffuses the emotion, through logical reframing of it. This results in ceasing the negative emotions to operate.

2- Testing your work

To keep from getting lost in the process, or apparently floundering in the technique, it is important to test your progress.

Since EFT allows us to quickly work deeply with ourselves, it is important to keep track of our progress. Therefore, regularly checking in with yourself on the 0~10 "intensity ratings" is very important for the success of EFT technique. It is recommended that you check in with where you are by testing your issue's intensity after each round of tapping.

3- Being specific and precise

It is very important to be specific when applying EFT. The more specific, the more effective the intervention will be. Three important points on this matter are as follows:

  1. Attempting to work on a "general" issue will not be as effective as applying EFT on a specific problem, event, or memory. In other words, it is much more difficult to work on "sadness" than focusing on a specific event that caused this sadness.
  2. General wording, like "My Headache", is not as effective as using specific descriptions like "This sharp ache in my left temple". Again, detail in the awareness of the symptom is very important to the success of EFT treatment.
  3. It can be more effective to break down a complex event into it's component pieces, rather than attempt to focus on the whole matter at once. As an example, an angry father scolding his child might better be dealt with as angry face of father, the high volum and tone of his voice, physical actions, etc.

Also, it is important to realize that, as the session proceeds, feelings and awareness may shift to new areas. Be aware of these changes. You may start out with a "sharp jabbing pain behind my left eyeball" but after a few tapping sequences, this shifts to "a hot white soreness along the top of my head". When these changes occur you need to adapt your affirmations accordingly.

According to Dr. Craig, the lack of clarity on this particular principle is the most common reason that EFT is not effective and can result in failure to get positive results from a session.

4- Self-acceptance

self_acceptanceOne of the core principles of EFT is that we accept and love ourselves in spite of our mistakes, errors, and apparent weaknesses. This is why expressing this is so important during an EFT session, in fact this expression of self-love and self-acceptance is a major step in EFT. We express this self-love during the session in the Affirmation Phrase.

Sometimes, this expression of self-acceptance and love is all it takes to shift an issue away from being a problem to us! But acknowledging ourselves in this deep way is rarely easy for most people, and can usually result in tears and apparent upset. Sometimes, an individual can not say these words at all.

EFT offers a pathway that is easily followed and quickly allows us to achieve self-acceptance for specific facts, mistakes and omissions that we think we are responsible for, and successfully move away from our apparent problems and limitations.

How EFT Works

One of the reasons EFT works effectively is that by rubbing or tapping the acupressure points, you are stimulating brain to release beta-endorphin, a neurochemical which is a natural morphine molocule produced by brain. Natural morphine is 27 times more powerful than synthetic morphine. What else is producing morphine in the body? exercise, humor, music, sex, and smoking cigarettes in a lesser degree.

Aside from the neurochemical reason of EFT, by focusing on the negative dissonance of your issue, you are also metaphorically ironing out the wrinkles in the field of Thought Energy, and returning your mind-body to a state of consonance, harmony and balance of energy.

Does EFT Always Work?

Although EFT is highly effective to numerous cases of emotional distress and physical ailments, and in some cases, it is experienced as a “one minute wonder”, it does not always have a substantial positive result. There are a few reasons why EFT fails:

  • Lack of practice and persistance
  • Environmental toxins in the patient's personal environment such as caffeine, alcohol, perfume, dairy, sugar,...
  • Dealing with a multiple-level issue as if it was one aspect (being too general in focus)
  • Lack of an ability to fine tune the focus of the session onto the specific issue/problem that needs dealing with (not being able to get to the "root" of the problem, so to speak.)
  • sometimes results may come after several minutes or even hours, specially when dealing with physical discomforts such as headaches
  • Dehydration (water intake) can seriously limit EFT (or pretty much any other treatments) effectiveness, as water is a key element in supporting the bodies energy systems to work effectively

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