EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT cures almost any physical, mental, and emotional discomforts, such as pain, ailments, stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, behavioral problems, phobias and many more. EFT combines two powerful sciences of Mind-Body medicine and Acupressure into an easy to follow technique, which utilizes rubbing or tapping with fingertips on 14 meridian points in the body. When this process is done intentionally and sequentially on these points, it harmonizes and balances the flow of Qi energy throughout the body, and releases the disruptions caused by any negative and limiting believes in the body’s energy system.
EFT is an effective, safe and non-invasive technique, which requires no tools, no cost, no medicine with no side effect. The process can be done anywhere at anytime, and it is completely independent of physicians or extra assistance, unless the patients are not sure if they are using it properly or need extra support of an expert.
While EFT is quite remarkable, it is still relatively new and in the experimental stage. Any information, instructions or advice presented is in no way intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care. You are responsible for using your judgment in recognizing when you need extra care and attention.
EFT was established by Dr. Gary Craig in the early 90's. At the time, he was a graduate engineer at Stanford University. Throughout his teen years, Dr. Craig showed an interest in self-improvement in the realm of psychology. During this time, he studied Dr. Roger Callahan's Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and basically trained himself in this area.
TFT uses a set of algorithms for specific ailments. These algorithms are created based on tapping on specific acupuncture points and tapping the same points in a different order creates different algorithms.
After training in 1991 in TFT, Dr. Craig applied these methods onto his clients. Over the course of the next five years, he worked at simplifying the methods of TFT. He found that the actual sequence of the tapping points played very low in the effectiveness of this technique.
Dr. Craig has been evolving and spreading EFT knowledge to all the world through his website, emofree.com. A few other people have also assisted him in EFT development such as Dr. Patricia Carrington, Dr. Alex Lees, Dr. Carol Look, etc.
We express our deepest gratitude for the gift of EFT that Dr. Craig has given us and for all he has done to spread EFT throughout the world.
"EFT usually works well and the results are sometimes spectacular. Because of it's unique approach, it can work where nothing else does and, to many, it represents a Doorway to a new Healing High-Rise."
Gary Craig